
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

PM2.5 Forecast for Beijing – Wednesday, April 23, 2014

We're looking for a fairly average day in Beijing tomorrow.  You can expect higher AQI readings in the morning, probably at Unhealthy, then somewhat better air quality in the afternoon, possibly down to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.


THURSDAY, April 24:  Thursday should be very similar to Wednesday, but probably just a bit better.

FRIDAY, April 25:  Friday should also follow the same pattern as Wednesday and Thursday, but for now it looks like the pollution levels will be higher on Friday.

SATURDAY, April 26:  There's a light at the end of this forecast:  Saturday's weather should bring us clearing skies and Good/Moderate AQI readings somewhere around noon.

UPDATE – Our prediction with overlay of actual readings:


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