
Monday, June 23, 2014

PM2.5 Forecast for Beijing – Tuesday, June 24, 2014

On Monday, the weather that was predicted was not the weather we saw; luckily for us, the weather we saw gave us much better than expected air quality!  Given the hit or miss nature of our forecasts over the last couple of weeks, you might notice that our prediction "window" is wider than usual in the graph above.  We think it is most likely that we will see AQI readings between Moderate and Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups for most of the day (except for the time around sunrise and the morning commute when there is a good chance that we will make it to Unhealthy), but it is difficult to rule out the possibility of straying from that window at either end.  So with that in mind you can read the graph accordingly, and we will hope that the weather conditions keep us on the lower end of the predicted range. 


WEDNESDAY, June 25:  Wednesday looks from here to be an average summer day in Beijing, so expect AQI readings at Unhealthy or Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

THURSDAY, June 26:  Thursday’s air quality is likely to be worse than Wednesday’s, so look for Unhealthy or higher AQI readings throughout the day.

FRIDAY, June 27:  The predicted conditions for Friday give us a strong chance at Good or Moderate AQI readings during the day. 

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