
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

PM2.5 Forecast for Beijing - Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wednesday was a pleasant surprise as we saw PM2.5 levels drop down into the moderate range.  Thursday has a chance at doing a similar thing, but we think it's not as likely.  Overnight, look for increasing PM2.5 levels, quite possibly moving us into Very Unhealthy conditions by sunrise.  Then during the morning hours, we should get a pretty good idea of what will happen for the rest of the day.  If we see pollution levels drop significantly, you can expect most of the rest of the day to remain on the lower end of our predicted range.  But if the PM2.5 levels have not dropped by noon, it's unlikely that we will see any further improvements through the rest of the day. 

UPDATE – Our prediction with overlay of actual readings:

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